Bolt side stand for BMW R50-R69S, thread: M12, with washer and splint

Bolzen Seitenständer für BMW R50-R69S, Gewinde: M12, mit Scheibe und Splint

Bolt side stand for BMW R50-R69S, thread: M12, with washer and splint

for automatic flip-up version (more parts needed, see product details)

21,44EUR (incl. 19% VAT)

Article-No.: 1230002

Pic-No.: J002D




Only useable with this parts:

1x 0024013 - spring strap

1x 28216 - stand spring

(instead of original)

(Please order also, if not existent!)

For BMW:

R50, R50/2, R60, R60/2, R69, R69S
Matching items:
Spring center stand for BMW R51/2-R68
6,05 € incl. 19% VAT 28216
Spring shackle for side stand for BMW R50-R69S
12,45 € incl. 19% VAT 0024013