Taillight Eber-shape for BMW R25, R25/2, R51/2 and R67

Rücklicht Eberform für BMW R25, R25/2, R51/2 und R67

Taillight Eber-shape for BMW R25, R25/2, R51/2 and R67

with brakelight red and pad (only one lens), black

91,70EUR (incl. 19% VAT)

Article-No.: 2030

Pic-No.: E352

not in stock
This Taillight is known under
the name "Eber-Rücklicht",
but did not have in the past a breaklight.
It was mounted on many BMW's till 1953,
also on many other german motorcycles.
This new taillight has a socket for a 2-wire-bulb,
so its possible to use a breaklight
without changing the look,
because its behind only one lens.
Because of a mirror it is pleasant lightish.
With approval mark!
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