Bearing pinion shaft for BMW R50/5 and up, front

Lager Ritzelwelle für BMW ab R50/5, vorne

Bearing pinion shaft for BMW R50/5 and up, front

plastic cage

67,75EUR (incl. 19% VAT)

Article-No.: 1230247

Pic-No.: 33_034



For U.S. customs and clearing ONLY:
Manufactured by Ulis Motorradladen GmbH, Germany

For BMW:
R50/5, R60/5, R75/5
R60/6, R75/6, R90/6, R90S
R60/7, R75/7, R80/7
R45, R45T, R65, R65T, R65LS, R65RT SF
R100S, R100RT, R100T, R100CS, R100RS
R80, R80ST, R80RT
R65GS, R80G/S